Now playing: Tekken 7 - I went back to it and "stuck"
Tekken, along with Mortal Kombat, is considered a "folk" fighting game in Russia and neighboring countries. But I was always somehow more MK - probably because nobody was going to buy PS One for me, and I played Tekken only in arcades. Plus, Mortal Kombat is simple and straightforward, especially in its 11th iteration.
Well, now the last part of Tekken is on sale on the PS Store at a discount (though, you will have to buy additional seasonpasses), and I just made friends for whom Tekken was "more popular" for Mortal Kombat. So everything started spinning.
And you know, I even forgot how cool this fighting game is. Yes, objectively he is not very beautiful, but he is very technical and accurate. At the same time, it looks very twitchy from the outside - all due to the peculiarities of the combat system and 3D. Only by constantly "twitching" can you succeed. It's just forbidden to walk here in peace. By the way, I found a good Tekken guide here.
The first thing I did was learn how to get up and block correctly - the core of Tekken. Finally, like a fool, I stopped trying to make wake-up attacks on an opponent who was just waiting for this. I learned to keep the distance and reduce it in time, reading the movements of the enemy. I learned to take my time and calculate every move.
Again, from the Tekken side it may seem terribly chaotic, but as soon as you start learning the rules of the game, everything falls into place. The main thing, as always in the series, is not to let yourself juggle in the air - there is little salvation from this as before.
To be at the wall is a death sentence. My opponent, however, was lucky, I missed
Of course, I'm not going to teach framedata, but in Tekken 7 it is already perfectly felt how slow you will hit now and where a hole convenient for your opponent will form in your combo.
I'm not afraid of this word, perhaps after Street Fighter (and he is still 2D) Tekken is the most intuitive fighting game. Here you always know what to do. And if you don't know, then improvisation also sometimes works well (although you won't get far on it, you will have to learn the combo).
Among the innovations, for example, the Rage Art mechanic is an especially powerful super blow that can be used at a critical value of health. In general, as in Motal Kombat 11. Blocking and punishing is also very easy
For several evenings I played Tekken 7 online - this is an unusual game tactic, but at the same time the phenomenal speed of the battle drags on and makes you throw revenge again and again. And every time it seems that now it will really work out.
Lei, a kind of drunken master, I play a little like an idiot, but it seems to be fun and sometimes throws the enemy into a mess. He, however, is considered one of the most difficult characters.
The roster of heroes in the game is huge, and they all differ in style of play - everyone can find something for themselves. So far, I am addicted to the seemingly drunk Miguel and the equally drunk Lei - you can see them on the gifs above.
Yes, I know that Tekken is the most difficult fighting game, and in order to achieve something in it, you need to sit in training mode for days. But somehow, in the case of Tekken, it doesn't scare me. It is so diverse that it is really interesting to study it.
And why did I ignore Tekken for so long? I don’t know.